
What I've Done

I've sipped fizzy ginger mint juleps at the roger room.
I've climbed mountains, hiked canyons, and shimmied down valleys.
I've bought boxes of Sprinkles and spun them off at Pink Iron Gym.
I've cruised Mulholland Drive and bladed from Malibu to Venice.
I've had Maestro's steaks and Diddy Riese cookie sandwiches.
I've gone to the Majestic Crest alone on a rainy Wednesday night.
I've nibbled a chili dog at Pink's.
I've seen Beetlejuice in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
I've walked the Huntington Library and the Getty and the LACMA.
I've chased mini-crabs along the Santa Monica Pier.
I've paddle-boated in Echo Park and wore Ray Bans in Los Feliz.
I've deli-ed at Art's, Junior's, Factor's, Canter's, DuPar's, and Jerry's.
I've sung with Elayne at the Dresden.
I've mock-cheered the Angels, the Dodgers, and the Lakers.
I've ridden the horse at Sunset Ranch.
I've mingled in the Beverly Wilshire, and reunited at The Standard, and celebrated at The Roosevelt.
I've downed fine vodka at Bar Lubitsch.
I've played softball in December.
I've fallen in love with Sinatra at Jones.
It's been great. And now I'm ready to go.

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